Blog — ONLO

Travel + Events // Fall 2017

ONLO out + about // Fall + Winter









The dirty on being a clean artist.

Sanitation. It can set you apart- and it should.

Cleanliness sometimes seems to be one of those things that is almost taboo to talk about in the beauty world. With places like Sephora having open containers to "try" things before buying [please friends, don't. just don't.], and returns of opened packages even if you use them being the norm, its hard to not be desensitized. 

Michele suits Photography

Michele suits Photography

Michele Suits Photography

Michele Suits Photography


As professionals in the field we are habitual about ultra hygenic and sanitary practices, to the standard of the State Board of Pennsylvania plus some. We strive to keep our clients happy and healthy, with good clean hair and makeup. What are the cons may you ask of someone not practicing state regulated sanitation procedures? A lot. Too much to name and even if I did you'd be super upset we talked about it. 

What does the process look like behind the scenes for these cleanliness guidelines may you ask? Here's just a few details:

- Hands are washed and/or sanitized before and after each client and intermidetly during services.

- Makeup and hair brushes are cleaned before and after each client with professional grade antiseptic cleaners. Deep cleans are done daily with soap and water followed by barbicide for hair tools and alchohol for makeup brushes. 

- Makeup is cleaned regularly when applicable with pro grade alchohol. We are also very educated on what products shelf life is and how to use it in the healthiest manner.

-Liquids are never used directly from bottle to skin, there is always an inbetween (like bottle to hand but the brush never dipped back in after use). Liquids are also kept in pump bottles to ensure they are never open to the elements.

-Pencils are sharpened before and after each use, sprayed with alchohol regularly as well. Once a pencil is even slightly dry or over 12 months old, we toss it.

-Masacara is never applied directly from the tube to the client's eyes. We use disposable mascara wands and never double dip.

-Brushes and tools are used for applications so that applicators for any makeup product is never used directly on a client.

These are just a few regular processes each of the ONLO artists take part in. We are always working on giving the highest standard of services for our clients and sanitation is of the utmost importance to us. Let's face it, a happy and healthy makeup application that makes you feel like you can rule the world is like gold... and we loveeee gold.

Inside the onlo studio // bridal trial

Inside the onlo studio // bridal trial


ONLO Education // Inside Style Workshop with Trousseau Style

March 8th / 10-1 / Philadelphia --- Must know tips and tricks straight from beauty + style pros
Brittani Elizabeth Photography

Brittani Elizabeth Photography

Brittani Elizabeth Photography

Brittani Elizabeth Photography

Brittani Elizabeth Photography

Brittani Elizabeth Photography

While or after working with a client we often get asked about beauty lessons or one-on-one classes. Even though I’ve offered these types of hands-on courses for a while now, ideas and thoughts for a different direction was brought to life as I started working closer with Lauren Hartman of Trousseau Style…Inside Style Workshop was born. 

IS LOGO 1.jpg

As I made the switch from Occasions by Diana to ONLO, I was totally struck by the feeling of making sure my personal appearence correlates with the changes I was so proud of. This new brand made me think so much about who I was as a person, a professional, and as a creative. Dressing the part of something that was so meaningful to me actually came to light many times throughout the process. Who did I want to be after this was done? I needed to match my feelings of joy and collective soul searching with my brand. I kept thinking to myself :

*What changes in my look should I make so that people see my brand through every step of the way?

*What should we wear while working on jobs that is cohesive yet allows us to be who we are- because that is important?

*If I do all this work rebranding wouldn't it make sense to make sure my fashion and apparel meets the same standard I am putting on such a large part of my life?

While my personal example isn't everybody's, it really made me think about how much our appearance makes us feel complete. It made me think that I can’t be the only one needing to revitalize my wardrobe so that I feel like my look reflects where I am in my life right now. This has to be important to so many other people! 
Lauren couldn't agree more. She said this was one of the top reasons behind her personal styling clients. They needed their new identity to feel good now, and look good later, too. And believe me, Hair and makeup is most definitely a part of this whole thing. 

A few months ago I stopped getting my brows done- I was an avid threading/waxing client and for years and I decided to just quit cold turkey. Something urged me to just give them a break- let them grow in and allow myself to start from scratch with the whole thing. I was hoping for some fuller brows that can be groomed or changed depending on how I felt. I think I’m finally there. It took a while- and it wasn't always cute. But I learned to see my face with what my natural brow looks like- and I’m actually digging it. They are definitely fuller and bolder and let me tell you- WAY less maintenance. I might continue I might not- I just know now I'm not afraid to try something different.
It’s not that you have to go do something drastic like let your brows grow for months, but sometimes its simple things to change or start your routine that encourages a step in a different and/or good direction. Other times its just nice to realize what you have going on fits you well and you should be more open to changing something up here and there to fulfill a need to be more “yourself” and refreshed. 

This workshop is geared toward helping people gain some perspective. With all the Instagram videos of girls painting their faces with what seems like 10000 products, and perfectly photoshopped and sponsored outfits, Its super worthwhile to get back to basics and feel refreshed and grounded with some actual, unbiased, good natured knowledge.

Some things we plan to go over: 

  • Tips and Tricks for a 15/20 minute morning hair and makeup look (realtime on a model)
  • Building a solid go-to wardrobe you can build on and feel good about
  • Using brushes and tools to make life easier
  • Figuring out when trends are worthwhile 
  • and some Q & A (so bring those questions google just doesn't seem to understand)

We are looking forward to meeting new people, connecting with old friends and colleagues, and talking all things style and beauty- hope to see you there!





WHEN: MARCH 8th 10-1

OTHER STUFF: We will have breakfast nibbles and coffee as well as some refreshments and light lunch bites so no one gets hangry. Meg from Nutmeg Cake design is bringing delicious treats AND there are awesome giveaways (Pearl earrings?! A Makeup brush set?! Goodie bags! AND MORE!)

Click here to buy your tickets

Follow Inside Style Workshop on Instagram + Facebook

Big thanks to Christy of Papertree Studio for our logo (and for being our live model!), Meg Skills from Nutmeg Cake Design for treating us to something pretty and tasty, and Brittani Elizabeth Photography for taking some snapshots of the event!
