Blog — ONLO


Greenwashing the beauty industry and easy ways to combat it

Greenwashing is a term used to describe a marketing strategy where companies portray themselves as environmentally friendly or sustainable, but their practices do not align with their claims.

In the beauty industry, greenwashing has become a growing concern as consumers increasingly seek out eco-friendly and sustainable products. However, not all companies are transparent about their sustainability efforts, leading to confusion and skepticism among consumers.

One common way that companies engage in greenwashing is through the use of vague or misleading language. For example, a company might use terms like "natural" or "organic" on their product packaging, even if only a small percentage of the ingredients are actually natural or organic. This can lead consumers to believe that they are making a sustainable choice when in fact, they are not.

Another way that companies engage in greenwashing is by focusing on one aspect of their production process while ignoring others. For example, a company might promote the fact that their product packaging is made from recycled materials, but not mention the fact that the product itself contains harmful chemicals or that their manufacturing process is energy-intensive.

Additionally, some companies engage in greenwashing by promoting their eco-friendly initiatives without providing concrete evidence or transparency. For example, a company might claim to donate a portion of their profits to environmental causes, but not disclose which organizations they are donating to or how much money they are actually contributing. In most situations, these “donations” are tax write-offs and sent to organizations with large profit margins and/or board member payouts.

Greenwashing is harmful to both consumers and the environment. It undermines the efforts of companies that are genuinely committed to sustainability, and it can make it difficult for consumers to make informed purchasing decisions. In some cases, greenwashing can even lead consumers to believe that they are making a positive impact on the environment when they are not.

To combat greenwashing in the beauty industry, consumers can educate themselves on what sustainable and eco-friendly practices actually look like. For example, they can look for products that are certified by reputable organizations like the Environmental Working Group or the USDA Organic program. They can also research the companies behind the products to determine whether their sustainability claims are genuine.

We also feel that we can combat greenwashing and over consumption in these few, easy and free ways:

  • Use what you have already (safely- not in use old things, but learn a product before just purchasing new things for the sake of it)

  • Buy only what you need!

  • Use multi-use makeup whenever you can, like a daily cheek and lip product that can be used on both 

  • Look for packaging that benefits the product, not just looks pretty. Packaging should protect the integrity of the product but doesn't need to be excessive

  • Packaging that is biodegradable is the best

  • Not buying things just because they are trending, but only if you need it or will really use it

  • Use hair products only when needed, and non-aerosol when possible

  • Look into biodegradable hair ties and accessories to see if they are a good fit for you - like this hair clip made from starch!

  • Try out hair accessories and tools made from natural and renewable sources- like bamboo, rattan or wood

We’d love to hear your tips and thoughts on being a more ENVIRONMENTALLY friendly beauty <3

with love,

Diana + the ONLO team

Hair and Makeup Artists should get vaccinated.

It’s disturbing to find out that quite a lot of wedding hair and makeup artists in the Philadelphia and surrounding areas are not yet vaccinated as wedding season is upon us.

As we all assess every turn and change during this pandemic, it is quite obvious that vaccination is a key component of adding layers to protecting yourself and others from spreading and contracting Covid-19. As hospitals nationwide fill with unvaccinated folks (and in rare cases vaccinated ones, too) who are in need of serious help and ventilation to breathe, hair and makeup artists must take seriously our responsibilities as folks who are with unmasked clients in close quarters.

Wedding days and good tidings, as lovely as they are, don’t offer you immunity to a highly infectious illness especially covid-19.

A few spring seasons’s ago (maybe ‘18?) I got the worst sinus infection I’ve ever had. I lost my sense of taste and smell, and it felt like a balloon was inflated inside my head. It really affected my mental health, so much so I went to therapy to work through it; food had little to no taste, and when it did, it was odd tasting. Not being able to smell made me paranoid of eating bad foods and getting sick, and missing smells that were bothersome to others felt really off. It was difficult to cook, because I couldn’t taste test (sorry to my fam for some super salty meals), I felt scared and sad. The reason I got this infection was a super busy wedding season full of small poorly ventilated spaces, back to back weddings Friday- Sunday jam packed with 6-8 clients each day all with lots and lots of aersol hairspray. My sinuses never stood a chance.
I brainstormed with friends and family who saw my pain about what to do to avoid this- I thought up nose guard inventions and looked into portable air purifiers. I changed my products and tested things to see what worked the way I needed it to but offered less irritation. My partner begged I wear a surgical mask- I told him I couldn’t because folks wouldn’t trust me; I’d look like I was sick or contagious and I ignorantly believed I would loose the special one-on-one closeness because my clients would have a hard time staying focused on thier services I was so wrong. Culturally, it was just unheard of in the beauty setting to wear a mask. Such a shame, as we now see how good they can be to protect ourselves and others. I’ll never not wear one when doing services again. I just wonder how many times I could have avoided getting sick with typical colds, flu and other illness if I had just followed the science.

To be a licensed PA cosmetologist, you have to pass the state boards and go to schooI. I was dedicated to being the best pro I could be, and for me that meant taking those boards and education very seriously. As a single mom, I went to school at night with my 1 year old at home 4 days a week- my heart was wrecked most of the time in school, being away from my son was SO hard. But I felt to have a real career in this field and do my job correctly, it was necessary. Schooling is one part book work, and the other part hands on learning (clinical). The testing of state boards is one part practical (on model/mannequin) and one part theory (written/computer). Every single part of learning cosmetology circles back to being a safe and sanitary stylist. EVERY part. We learn about transmissable diseases and viruses, symptoms, how to spot infections, what cleaners and processes work best for each and how to make sure our client’s hair, skin and nails are as healthy as possible while we work with them. At least 2/3’s of the learning is specifically dedicated to this and state board protocol to avoid transmitting bacteria and virus. The other parts are learning technical skills but they all have safety and sanitation attached. In my opinion, we must continue our education and learn as much as possible about the pandemic- and then do what is absoslutely best to protect others and ourselves from it with layers of protection. If not for anything but to be a proper cosmetologiist (I wish I could just say to be a nice person, but we all know we are past this point in things).

Layers of protection are the best way to avoid spreading or contracting Covid-19 at all costs while doing hair and makeup.
For ONLO (and me specifically), this is what we currently do:

  • Get fully vaccinated against covid-19

  • Wear a mask

  • Test regularly

  • Specific protocol and process for jobs

    • dedicated space for services that will contain only the artist and client at the same time

    • no other vendors or persons in the space while the client and artist are working; no hanging, lounging, eating or drinking

    • strict timelines

    • Ventilation as best as possible

      • negative pressure when possible (air is filtered outside of the room as opposed to recirculated)

      • fan/air on for the full time we are there

      • windows open if able

    • Dedicated bathroom/sink for artists so they can wash their hands as often as needed without interuption

    • Clients wear masks during hairstyling (and for some MUA’s during part of their services while doing eyes)

    • Encouraging any clients with symptoms to skip/cancel services

  • Continue to be safe and sanitary

    • clean, organzied and sanitzed kits and tools

    • clean, not expired makeup- sanitzed powders and containers

    • never using a product directly on a client (product to palette to brush to client)

    • sanitizing and cleansing brushes regualrly, never using a dirty brush or tool on a client

    • proper information about cleaners and sanitizers (knowing what percentage of alcohol is best for sanitizing (60-70% max)), using proper anti-microbials and virucides

    • kit and containers cleaned and sanitized after each job

    • purchasing and using necessary disposable tools (mascara wands, cotton buds, sponges, etc)

    • cleaning surfaces before using them for kit set-up

  • Having clients come to the studio as opposed to on location when possible

Of course, Vaccinations are not a fool proof way to not get or pass covid- BUT, again, when you add them to a lineup of additonal safety protocols, including masking, we can truly say we are doing our best to naviagate our situation.

My personal fear is that with the knowlege that there are a good amount of hair and makeup artists in the wedding industry who are not getting vaccinated, we will see a noticeable influx of wedding industry pros and clients (and those who work the actual event, too) get sick and possibly die from covid in the coming fall and winter months. We already know that covid-19 disproportionally affects Black folks and People of Color due to systemic disparity and exclusion from insurance and healthcare. It is important as anti-racist practice to understand how vaccines are helpful in keeping our communities of color safer. If we are not vigiliant in our own personal ways while thinking of those who are around us, we will in fact be part of the domino effect of super spreading throughout the area, needlessly killing our community members and even ourselves.

If you are looking to get vaccinated, just text your zip code to 438829. You’ll recieve an immediate response letting you know the closest places to get the shot- and what types they have available currently (Moderna, Pfizer and/or Jansen) , and if they require an appointments (most places are happy to accept walk-ins!!).
If you are nervous, talk to YOUR DOCTOR- not your facebook friends. Get real info.

If you are in a position of dealing with unvaccinated folks who are going to work with you on your wedding day, Just know you deserve to get that information so that you can prepare in whatever way feels safest for yourself and those around you. Additonally, Let’s also not forget that some folks can’t get vaxxed, and that’s real. There are differences between anti-vaccination and vaccine hesitancy or awaiting doctor approval. Obviously there are red flags to determine what is the case- if someone is just misinformed or refusing to do their due diligence; That is up to your discretion to uncover and deal with personally.
You do deserve to feel safe, though. Testing is always helpful- I would ask your artists what their plan is if: who you are working with contracts covid, tests positive, will be testing prior to the event and how they are going to share the test results with you, and what other layers of protection they are adding to the line up. Another important question would be if they are going to participate in contract tracing if in fact someone gets sick at your event.

Advocating for yourself and others is what we all have to do right now. Expecting others to do the most to keep you safe should really be the bare minimum.

ALSO: Saving lives is not political + Getting vaccinated isn’t either.

Sending love,

Spotlight on Client Badassery: Melissa chops her hair mid-wedding and THRIVES

On August 24th, in the green room at the Fillmore, Lizzo played and the cameras were ready as freshly married Melissa quickly ran in from her reception to change her whole look including cutting 5 inches off her hair right then and there.

Melissa and Mike’s whole wedding vibe was about having fun with their family and friends. They made it a point to have a good time and celebrate in a way that felt true to them. The wedding and reception took place at the Fillmore, and Melissa danced down the aisle with her dad. They played games and drank beer and cocktails. They sang, danced and partied while the main stage held a killer band. Overall, A pretty epic fête.
Melissa is one of the coolest human’s out there. She’s brilliant and beautiful. Kind and generous. To boot, she is totally bad ass.

Mike and Melissa 2019-08-24-23.jpg

Let’s start from the beginning.

A few months before the wedding Jacque, Makeup Artist and Diana, Hair Stylist, met with Melissa (joined by her mom and bridesmaid) at ONLO’s Germantown studio for her bridal preview. We had previously had the honor to do Melissa’s hair and makeup at her brother’s wedding for then bride Madison (check out their wedding here— so gorgeous!). It’s always fun to get to see clients again, especially when its their turn in the spotlight. We made a plan for a killer high ponytail paired with a beautiful makeup look that emphasized her natural beauty and felt elevated and refined. Melissa joked about chopping her hair off on her wedding day, and we all laughed at how that would be so dope. Diana then stopped and was like “I’d do it if you’re really down”… and the whole mood changed to a putting the plan in motion. We decided to let the idea simmer so there was no pressure. The plan was that we would definitely do it if Melissa still felt like it worked for her and her day when we went to create the timeline a few months later. Needless to say, a few weeks before the wedding we confirmed that it. was. going. down.

The wedding day: Its 9am at the Hilton Penn’s landing and the ONLO team arrived 4 artists deep to take care of the group of 15, all who were to be ready by 2:30p that day. Bridesmaids and Family were enjoying a relaxing morning of munching, mimosas and hanging together. They were an awesome group of ladies. The timeline was set up so that the photographer (Dearly Beloved) could catch the tail end of lip color applications and final touch ups. Then off they went to get dressed and roam around the city a bit for photos before the ceremony.
Melissa’s look was about being refined, fun and chic all at once. The star of the show could easily have been the power pony we started the day with, but you can make that call— Check out this slow mo of the pony in all its glory.


The plan: Diana returns to the Fillmore at 8:30p to set up for Melissa to jump into her chair between 8:45 and 9p and get a killer lob inspired by Julianne Hough. Melissa changes her dress and appears back at her reception, with a full new look and surprises everyone including her Husband, who had no idea about the plan.

And thats exactly what happened. It went off without a freakin’ hitch.

Mike and Melissa 2019-08-24-4.jpg

Filmed & Edited by Associate Filmmaker Wayne Bullimore

Diana and the whole ONLO team sends a HUGE thank you to Melissa for being so trusting with our skills and talent. From the start, she let us do what we do best; taking in our advice and recommendations and being open to plans, interpretation and our care. We absolutely loved working with her and her whole group of beautiful women. Thank you Melissa, it was a total honor and you’re the best!

Comment below: Would you chop your mane mid wedding?!

Photo/Video: Dearly Beloved
Hair: Diana DuHaime
Makeup: Jacqueline Musselman
Assistance: Hayley Atella and Courtney Thornton


Preparing for your Appointments

Screen Shot 2019-06-18 at 4.15.23 PM.png

When we aren’t on location, we are in the studio.
In-studio appointments take place at our cute and cozy styling studio in Germantown/Mt Airy Philadelphia.

The address is given to you at the time of confirming your appointment booking.

The setting is private and comfortable so that you and your artist have all you need to focus on your appointment and creating a gorgeous look. Feel free to bring a friend or family member— just be sure it is someone you trust, is honest, and shares your vision.

Please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes prior to your appointment (there is no waiting/reception area) or no later than 15 minutes. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late we will need to reschedule your appointment. We really want to give you the full experience as well as the clients before or after you so timing is key.

If there is any issue finding us or if you need to talk with your artist, their info should have been sent to you via your confirmation emails.

Wedding Hair / Makeup Preview Appointment (Bridal Trial)

What you’ll need:

  • 2.5-3 hours set aside to focus on this time with your artist

  • Clean, makeup free skin

  • Clean, dry hair ready for styling (thinking about how it will be the morning of your wedding is important- try to mimic that)

  • Around 3-5 photos of hair/makeup inspiration. Any more can make things confusing. Take time to really think about things you like or don’t like so we can get clear together. Here is our Pinterest, where we love pinning cool hair and makeup.

  • Any accessories you want to try out with your look(s) — like a veil, hair pieces and clips, hair extensions, earrings, etc.

  • Any lip color you already have / you might want to use (you won’t need any other products), but rest assured we have a bunch to check out in our kits.

What to expect:

  • Upon arriving, make yourself comfortable. We always have refreshments like spring water, seltzers, sodas and hot tea available.

  • You and your artist(s) will discuss your wedding- like details about your style, what you’ll be wearing, any accessories that you’d like to include in the look and most importantly photos of your inspiration. We love checking out about 5 photos max of each hair and/or makeup. Five photos for each is usually best- narrowing down a bit and really thinking about what you like about looks is a good task to do prior. We’ll have conversation around the photos and your personal desires and get clear with a plan of action for the look we’ll create.

  • If you are getting both hair and makeup at this time, we typically do makeup first (its easier to see your hair done when your makeup is done).

  • While we work, you’re able to give us any feedback and keep us in the loop about how your feeling with the process and how your look is coming together. We are open to making everything feel the best for you.

  • While we are working, taking photos are encouraged. We’ll also take some of a 360 of everything once services are completed (both for you and for us).

  • After your trial is completed, we hope you’ll wear your look for a little and see in real time how everything works for you. We love to hear feedback on any l things we can adjust so feel free to give us some notes so we can accommodate you completely on your wedding day.

  • What if you want to change your look completely after your trial? No problem. We are fully capable and able to accommodate whatever you’d like. We’ll use our years of experience, skills sets and great taste to give you exactly what you’re hoping for. Have photos of your new inspiration ready for the wedding day. (Pro tip: Since we do trials a few months out sometimes, your overall look can change and we are here for it. We don’t want you to feel stuck or afraid to make adjustments. Whatever you decide, we have your back!)

Wedding Party Member Hair / Makeup Preview Appointment (Party Member Trial)

What you’ll need:

  • 2 hours set aside to focus on this time with your artist

  • Clean, makeup free skin

  • Clean, dry hair ready for styling (thinking about how it will be that morning, try to mimic that)

  • Around 3-5 photos of hair/makeup inspiration. Any more can make things confusing. Take time to really think about things you like or don’t like so we can get clear together.

  • Any accessories you want to try out with your look(s) — hair pieces and clips, hair extensions, earrings, etc.

  • Any lip color you already have / you might want to use (you won’t need any other products), but rest assured we have a bunch to check out in our kits.

What to expect:

  • Upon arriving, make yourself comfortable. We always have refreshments like spring water, seltzers, sodas and hot tea available.

  • You and your artist(s) will discuss your style, what you’ll be wearing, any accessories that you’d like to include in the look and most importantly photos of your inspiration. We love checking out about 5 photos max of each hair and/or makeup. Five photos for each is usually best- narrowing down a bit and really thinking about what you like about looks is a good task to do prior. We’ll have conversation around the photos and your personal desires and get clear with a plan of action for the look we’ll create.

  • If you are getting both hair and makeup at this time, we typically do makeup first (its easier to see your hair done when your makeup is done).

  • While we work, you’re able to give us any feedback and keep us in the loop about how your feeling with the process and how your look is coming together. We are open to making everything feel the best for you.

  • While we are working, taking photos are encouraged. We’ll also take some of a 360 of everything once services are completed (both for you and for us).

  • After your trial is completed, we hope you’ll wear your look for a little, seeing how everything works for you. We love to hear feedback on any l things we can adjust so feel free to give us some notes so we can accommodate you completely on your wedding day.

  • What if you want to change your look completely after your trial? No problem. We are fully capable and able to accommodate whatever you’d like. We’ll use our years of experience, skills sets and great taste to give you exactly what you’re hoping for. Feel free to bring a photo for your new inspiration, if you have one.

Special Occasion Hair and Makeup Appointment

What you’ll need:

  • 1.5 hours

  • Clean, makeup free skin

  • Clean, dry hair ready for styling

  • A photo or two for inspiration

  • Any lip color you have for touch ups later

What to expect:

  • Upon arriving, make yourself comfortable. We always have refreshments like spring water, seltzers, sodas and hot tea available.

  • We’ll discuss your likes and dislikes and check out your photo(s) for inspiration. We’ll make a plan and then get to work.

  • A gorgeous look you’ll love!

** If your appointment is taking place on location we would love a place to set up that has an outlet and natural light. Having a space that is dedicated to setting up our kit is important, too (like a dinner table or countertop). A higher chair for makeup is super helpful.

Wedding Day Hair and Makeup

What you’ll need:

  • The timeline we created for the day

  • Clean, makeup free skin

  • Clean, dry hair ready for styling (thinking about how it will be the morning of your wedding is important- try to mimic that)

  • Photos for inspiration (for others getting services), 1 or 2 is best!

  • Any accessories - veil, hair pieces and clips

  • Lip Color for touch ups

What to expect:

  • Upon arriving, We will get set up to ensure the room fits a flow and feels good for everyone’s comfort during their services. We’d love high chairs for makeup services and low chairs for hair services if possible.

  • We really do stick to our timeline, so be sure to know your appointment time. Being ready for your time in the chair 15-20 minutes prior to your service is great, that way if we are running early we can keep the day flowing and use the time wisely.

  • Please respect your appointment time slot by leaving distractions or tasks for time outside of it. We like to make sure your window of time is used to its full potential.

  • Let us know what you do and don’t like prior. We will have a short consult about these things. Get clear about what you are hoping for, even if its for us “to do our thing” (which we love to hear).

  • Be honest with us if there is something you want changed. We are all about making you feel the most confident and in love with your look.

Miscellaneous things:

Tipping is always appreciated, never expected. We hope that you had an amazing experience, iff you feel inclined to tip your artist please do. We often get asked what is a typical amount and the best answer we can give is 10-20% is typical. If you wish to tip in a lump sum, feel free to give it to the lead artist, they will ensure it is split evenly if needed. If you wish to tip via Venmo here is a list of our Venmo handles:

Diana DuHaime @Diana-DuHaime
Jacqueline Musselman @JacquelinePeacock
Jacqueline Doucette @JacquiD
AnnaLisa Pedano @AnnaLisaPedano
Susan Carabello @Susan-Carabello-1
Hayley Annino @Hayley-Annino

In the mood to leave us some love? We would love that. Here are some of the top spots that clients find and look for us:

The Knot
Wedding Wire

Also, feel free to tag us on facebook and instagram #onlo and @onlo_beauty, we’ll share as well!

Resources + Favorites

Here is insight into some of our favorite things, people and products for 2019— weddings + beyond.
(You’re welcome)

Sweet Caroline Styles
Bella Bridesmaids
Liberty & Lace

Lauren Hartman (Trousseau Style)
Janelle Munro

Cake Life
Frosted Fox

Chick Invitations
Papertree Studios
hello, bird.

confetti & co.
Margaret Rose Events (NYC)

Vault + Vine
Wild Stems

Maggpie Rentals
Party Rental Ltd

Bellami Hair
Hair Comes the Bride (use code ONLO for 20% off)
Twigs and Honey
ONLO’s stash (shop here!)

Lash Lounge (ask for Jacque!)

Philly Photo Studio
Location 215

Brittney Raine
Peach Plum Pear
Cheyenne Gil
Sarah Alderman (AGP Collective)
Kelly Giarrocco
Justin Johnson
Justin James Muir (We Laugh We Love)
Marisa and John (Redfield Photo)
Michele Suits (Quarter Moon Co.)
Ian Shiver (Viva Love)
Jill + Ryan McGrath (With Love and Embers)
Rachel Pearlman
Shannon Collins

Philosophy 'The Microdelivery Exfoliating Wash’
Luminance Skin Care ‘Organic Delicate Facial Cleanser’
Tatcha ‘Water Cream’
Milk Makeup ‘Hydrating Oil’
Milk Makeup ‘Cooling Water Eye Patches’
Act + Acre

Rescue Day Spa (NYC + PHL)
Body + Beauty Lab (Formerly 3000BC, PHL)
About Face Skin Care

Glen Foerd
Material Culture
Holly Hedge Estate
Hotel du Village
Mission Taqueria
Harp and Crown
Fairmount Horticultural Center
Morris Arboretum


Start to Finish: Hiring hair and makeup artists for your wedding day

A cohesive look, an easy morning, long lasting products and enjoyable and trustworthy personalities- no, it's not too much to ask. 

Choosing and hiring your hair and makeup artists for a day that is ultra special, expensive and super important shouldn't be painful or confusing. Here is a general breakdown of how we make it an enjoyable process, start to finish:

  • Inquiry is easy- go through the CONTACT US page and fill in your deets. Examples of things that are good to tell us:
    • Any timing that you know of (time of ceremony, time you'll need to be ready for)
    • Where you'll be getting ready 
    • Number of services you are probably going to need- low or high number, its important.
    • Other vendors you have lined up (we have tight relationships with a bunch, and it also helps us understand your overall vibe)
    • Things that are important to you that we can keep in mind like lip color choices, makeup style, cues for your overall style.
  • Within 24-48 hours, you'll receive a reply and we'll let you know if we are available for your wedding (same goes for special event, photo shoot, whatever you need beauty services for).

  • Behind the scenes, we check to see who is available, who matches well with you and your group, and if we can for sure provide the service numbers and logistics you mentioned with ease. We'll send you questions if we have them.

  • We'll send you 3 informative packets in pdf style, easy to forward to your group:

    • Hair and Makeup Pricing

    • Inquiry information going over our process in detail

    • Wellness pricing

  • We open our books for trials within 5-6 months before your wedding date. This means that you are welcome to get a trial in that timeframe. Booking can happen anytime, as long as our books are open for it (we open in half year segments).

    • But why then??? We've been in the wedding industry for a while and really know what our clients need and want. In order to provide a bridal trial that fulfills the needs of the client and artist, that time frame is the best possible time to get together. Why? Because chances are all of your important details have been nailed down- your dress, your group size, your location of getting ready, timing for the most part, and most importantly what you envision your look being like so you can have open communication to your artist about your hopes and desires.

    • What if you want to book? You can book anytime your heart hopes to. The trial timeframe is something we stick to because we know it works the best. 

    • If you want to trial before you book, the trial timeframe stays the same- just know you will not be guaranteed our availability for your date unless a contract has been signed and deposit sent (the deposit is the cost of your personal wedding day services and is credited on your final invoice)

  • After you have your bridal trial, we will send you an contract to be signed within 48 hours if you are not already booked. Your date is opened again to others hoping to book if we don't get those items returned within that time frame (its only fair).

Also after your trial, we touch base about your thoughts, feelings and any changes we can note to your folder. Your artist will be informed of whatever feedback we get from you so they can remain on the same page throughout the process.

  • Once you are booked, had your trial, and have been working your butt off to create the best day ever, we will touch base around 8 or so weeks out from the wedding date to confirm details and services. Things we ask you to confirm: When will you need to be completely ready by?, Who is getting services and what services are they confirming to receive? , Where are you getting ready, exact address?, Best contact number for the morning? for example.

  • After you confirm those details we draft a well thought out timeline (we really work hard on these- they are quite a brain teaser for larger groups, time constraints, just details in general). Every timeline includes:

    • 30-45 minutes per service (a bit longer for the bride)

    • necessary artists to complete the group in a timely manner

    • all day of information to ensure the artists have no problem finding you and your group

    • detailed timeslots/appointments to keep things on track and easy to manage

  • We send you the timeline along with an invoice for the services that have been confirmed. We deduct your deposit paid. The invoice is due 10 days prior to your wedding. The bride is responsible to pay the invoice in full- so have all of your ladies send you their payments, gift them a service, whatever you wish- the final payment is one lump sum on our end. You can pay directly via the link we send (we use square), or through venmo, check, cash, etc. We send you a receipt no matter what. 

We also send you a little informative sheet that you can share with your group that explains th best way to prepare for our time together on the wedding day. Things like photos to have along, plans for lip color to touch up with, etc.

  • We touch base your wedding week to confirm everything one last time and to share the artist contact via email for ease of use as needed on the day of. 
  • We show up on your wedding day, ready to get the group glam and feeling beautiful. We will have everything you and the group will need beauty-wise. All we need from you is outlets, a table and some natural light. It's a fun, low key, stress-free as possible time together and we love it as much as you.

Hope this helps you to better understand what to expect- one thing we know even after doing hundreds of weddings- is that YOUR day matter most to you, therefore you will be treated so. We do our best to ensure our clients feel the most beautiful they ever have and can rest assured their hair and makeup completes their look and day perfectly. 

Looking forward to working with you!

xo, D

If you already had time with us, please leave us some love and let others know about your experience! 

Photography /&nbsp;With Love and Embers&nbsp;

Photography / With Love and Embers 


ONLO Beauty Founder Diana DuHaime came together with fellow Philadelphia creatives Sharon of Ink + Mortar and Marisa and John Photography to create a play on the colors of the rainbow. Inviting a new, fresh perspective on the age-old ROY G BIV we learned in grade school, we wanted to give Philly something to talk about. Check it out...





Huge thanks to Ink + Mortar for their creative direction and concept as well as creating this gorgeous layout. Thanks to Marisa and John for their dedication, eye and ability to bring ideas to life, Janelle Munro who styled our orange model, and all models involved for their work and amazing ability to be the perfect fit for each color. 

Fearless Women, this conference is for you // 10.13 + 10.14

Celebrating Female Movers & Inspiring The Shakers | Philadelphia October 13th + 14th

FearlessCon is a conference series for women looking to redefine their lives and careers with passion, grit, and strategy.

So you can get the jist, heres the deets from the mouth of the brilliant creator of Fearless Conference + Femme & Fortune , Melissa Alum:

"Welcome to FearlessCon, a #BossLadyWeekend for women who get sh*t done! Now in our third year, our goal is to empower women to create a life around their passions and turn their ideas into impact and income. This year's extravaganza will be held in Philadelphia from Friday, October 13th to Saturday, October 14th, and will include business workshops, empowering panels, a dope afterparty, brand activations, goody bags, and like-minded women who get you and your vision." 

Definitely join in now, grab your ticket!

PS. Founder, Diana DuHaime will be speaking on panel from 2:00-2:40 at Powerplant Productions on Saturday October 14th. Stop by and say hey and don't miss the other incredible convo's and events!


Photos from;

Photos from 

ONLO Education // Inside Style Workshop with Trousseau Style // Nov. 19

The 2nd Inside Style Workshop is here, and it's going to better than ever. Lauren Hartman and Diana DuHaime join forces to give women the ability to refresh their personal style with confidence and ease. Step away from the noise of direct marketing and mixed info coming from every where these days and gain some clairty about what truly works for you. 

Join us November 19th 2017 in Fishtown, Philadelphia PA- Get your tickets now, they are going fast!

Brittani elizabeth photographyOld city, philadelphia PA&nbsp;

Brittani elizabeth photography

Old city, philadelphia PA